Tales of a job-hunter (part 1)

Today’s blog post is about something a little more serious.

Now with COVID19, the unemployment rate has increased. Many positions are put on hold up until the uncertainty of this saga has settled. Job seekers have become even more despondent, myself included.

Ever since teaching English in China and returning to SA mid-2018, the job hunting has been a struggle. I have been unemployed for almost 2 years now. I was employed at a law firm, but due to the firm experiencing financial challenges, I resigned after not being remunerated for 4 months.

Friends and family speculate and pass remarks like: “you are too fussy, take anything and get a foot into the company”. It’s not about being fussy at all. Out of sheer desperation, I have even applied for positions that I am over qualified for. Legal secretary positions, para-legal positions, PA positions to CEOs, and even junior attorney positions. I am met with responses like: “unfortunately, Miss Kullan you are over qualified for this position”. I researched why an over qualified job applicant would not be hired, and this is the reason–》 yes, they are capable of doing the job, but often become bored as it is not a challenge for them. Furthermore they are taking jobs away from an unskilled or lower skilled person which therefore creates an imbalance. This is the reason why HR won’t hire an over qualified job applicant.

I am filled with absolute fear and anxiety sitting at my desk in my study everyday. The anticipation of what my mailbox has instore for me. Will it be a flood of rejection letters? Or even worse no response at all?

Please and I beg please, do not tell a job seeker they are not trying hard enough. I have lost (when I say lost, I mean the friendship was doomed) a very close friend (2 months ago) because this is exactly the toxic “support” that I received from her. You don’t think I tried everything? You think I enjoy sitting at home? You think it’s fun? You think it’s wonderful not receiving a salary on the 25th? Job seekers are not asking for much, we just want your positive energy around us. If you going to spread your negative vibes in my space, please close the door behind you when you leave!

Believe me when I say, I am more than happy to apply for jobs that are not in the legal field. I even completed a HR certification (passed with an A 😁). I thought this would give me an edge, seeing as I am an attorney, I already know the labour laws. But WOW, was I met with another hurdle. Experience!!! I need experience in HR. Now how TF am I supposed to get experience when nobody is willing to give me a chance? It’s a vicious cycle hey! I have applied for a couple copywriting positions too. I was sent a writing assignment. Spent an entire week on it, perfecting it, to be told.. nope sorry, it’s you not us. This isn’t going to work.

If you are an employer, take a chance on someone. Even if they do not have the experience. They might have many transferable skills. Please do not look for the perfect candidate that ticks all the boxes. They do not exist. You will be doing your organisation more of a disadvantage with not having that role filled, than to give a candidate a chance. Someone you can train to become the perfect candidate.

I can not stress this point enough, respond to unsuccessful candidates and give them a reason why they were unsuccessful. A generic email will suffice. An email containing reasons, tick a reason as to why they were unsuccessful, so the job applicant has an idea.

Anxiety, depression, stress and sleepless nights are emotions, states of mind and moods that job seekers experience all the time. Together with doubt and major imposter syndrome.

It is a struggle to get outta bed on some days. Staying motivated is so so so difficult. Be there for your unemployed loved ones. It’s not an easy journey. We get enough flak from rejection letters… we don’t need it from people close to us. Do not ask us about our back up plan. My back up plan is to get a job!!! That’s what it is.

Be kind. You don’t know the battle someone is fighting.

